Accompanying Partners | Ho Chi Minh City Urban Environment Company Limited (CITENCO)

Wednesday, 10/11/2021, 19:52 GMT+7


Ho Chi Minh City Urban Environment Company Limited (CITENCO) is a public utility enterprise under the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City. With 45 years of experience operating in the field of environmental sanitation, along with modern vehicles, facilities, and technology and a team of good and skilled staff, specialists and workers, CITENCO has been meeting all customer’s needs in waste collection, transport, and treatment.

In particular, the company is one of the key units to perform the City's political tasks in the field of environmental sanitation.



With the organizational structure consisting of 07 departments and 07 affiliated branches, the company has material facilities spreading across the City with advanced technology and modern vehicles and equipment to satisfy and serve a full package of environmental sanitation services for organizations and individuals such as sweeping and cleaning; collection, transport, and treatment of domestic, construction, medical and hazardous wastes; septic tank sludge pumping, good destruction, and other environmental sanitation services… 


CITENCO was a pioneer in treating more than 35 tons of medical waste per day in hospitals and isolation sites during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Industrial, medical and hazardous waste treatment at Dong Thanh Hazardous Waste Treatment Plant, Dong Thanh Commune, Hoc Mon District

Industrial, medical, and hazardous waste incinerators with a capacity of 21 tons/day (BI250S incinerator)

The BI250S incinerator imported by CITENCO from Belgium is a two-stage Rotary kiln pyrolysis technology, mainly used for hazardous waste treatment plants. With modern and advanced technology, the incinerator is capable of thoroughly handling all kinds of wastes (with difficult to decompose organic ingredients, causing bad odors, environmental pollution, not being able to reuse,...) in solid, gaseous, and liquid forms. The flue gas treatment system of incinerator applying modern technology, using sodium bicarbonate dosing system, activated carbon, bag filter, ID fan ensures the after-treatment flue gas meets current Vietnamese standards. Besides, the incinerator has an automatic temperature and gas control system, all parameters of temperature and flue gas are measured and displayed on the host computer. Therefore, it is possible to control the system to optimize the operation and ensure the after-treatment flue gas meets the current Vietnamese standards.

Industrial, medical, and hazardous waste incinerator with a capacity of 14 tons/day (CSH 503 SW incinerator)

The CSH 503 SW incinerator is manufactured by CRAWFORD Company (USA) using static incinerator technology. The incinerator includes 02 primary and 01 secondary combustion chambers with temperatures up to 13700C, ensuring thorough treatment of hazardous components. The flue gas treatment system applies modern technology after the gas treatment system includes Neutralization Tower, Adsorption Tower, Bag filter, and ID fan to ensure the after-treatment flue gas meets the standards of industrial furnace emissions according to current Vietnamese standards before being discharged. In addition, the incinerator uses an automatic temperature and flue gas control system by PLC microprocessor equipped on the control panel. With the LCD touch screen, all the technical parameters are displayed on the screen to optimize the incinerator control and operation.

Fluorescent light bulb crushing machine

Capactity: 100-120 bulbs/batch/20 minutes. The Fluorescent light bulb crushing machine is designed with the ability to crush multiple bulbs at once. The machine uses a hydraulic press system to crush the bulb, mercury vapor from the bulb is sucked through the filtration system before being released to the environment.

Centralized Wastewater Treatment System at Dong Thanh industrial and hazardous waste treatment plant

Operation time: 2012, renovation in 2017 and 2020 (Capacity: 30m3/day). Treatment of wastewater generated during the operation of the Dong Thanh industrial and hazardous waste treatment plant: leachate, tank wash, car wash, factory and yard cleaning water, domestic wastewater, and wastewater from external contracts. Contract- wastewater must be pre-treated before going to the system,... Wastewater after treatment meets QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT, column A.

The Sanitation Landfill Technology at the Northwest solid waste treatment complex, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City

Area: 04 sanitation landfill cell total 15 hectare. Receiving capacity: 6.474.000 tons

The collection air well system is executed, installed during operation procession, the emission is processed preliminary to limit arising odors out to the environment. After reaching the designed capacity, the Company construct a connection system to collect all gas generated from landfills to produce electricity. In the process of operation, The leachate is collected and brought to treatment plants under the current Vietnamese standard treatment plant before being discharged into the environment. Using the sanitation landfill technology ensures no side effects on the soil, surface water, groundwater, and air environment. It does not affect the residential life in general and the project area in particular during the life of the landfill even after closing the landfill.

SEEN Phuoc Hiep Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant

Operation time: 2009 - Northwest solid waste treatment complex, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City (Capacity: 800m3/day). Landfill leachate treatment technology helps to treat wastewater generated during landfill operations to avoid leaking waste water into the environment. All leachate from the landfill is gathered to the plant and treated to meet the standards of discharge to the receiving source (QCVN 25: 2009/BTNMT, column B1 and QCVN 40:2011 /BTNMT, column B.)

In addition to SEEN Phuoc Hiep Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant with a capacity of 800m3/day, CITENCO is also operating SEEN Go Cat Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant with a capacity of 200m3/day with similar technology for Go Cat landfill.

Pre-treatment system - Non-hazardous medical waste recycling

Pre-treatment, recycling of plastic waste at the Go Cat waste treatment site, Binh Tan district

Two-shaft crushing and cutting machine

At Le Dai Hanh transfer station, 150 Le Dai Hanh, Ward 7, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City (Capacity: 3 tons/hour or 4m3/hour). In addition, the Company is operating a 01-shaft crushing and cutting machine with a capacity of 2 tons/hour. The machine is used to crush goods that require a degree of fine grinding.


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