Binh Duong Province: Commission on the segregation of domestic waste at source for the period 2023-2025.

Friday, 21/07/2023, 15:38 GMT+7

On July 04, 2023, Binh Duong Provincial Committee enacted Decision No. 1734/QD-UBND on the Segregating Plan for Domestic Waste at source in Binh Duong Province over the period 2023-2025.

Bình Dương: Ban hành kế hoach phân loại chất thải rắn sinh hoạt tại nguồn trên địa bàn tỉnh Bình Dương giai đoạn 2023 - 2025

​Accordingly, departments, branches, associations; district, township, and city boards; facilities for the collection, transportation, and treatment of domestic waste and related organizations and individuals should implement solutions to ensure that the classification, storage, collection, transportation, and treatment/recycling of domestic waste in the provinces is synchronized and highly effective.

Main point of the plan:

The plan includes five points to be implemented, including propaganda to raise awareness of the classification of domestic waste at the source; lawsuits, sorting and strengthening of collection units, call for domestic waste; implementation of the classification, storage, collection, shipping, and treatment of domestic waste; inspection and monitoring activities; preliminary conclusions, summaries, compliments, and awards.

The Plan also sets out specific routes in the implementation of actions from 2023 to the end of 2025 as well as assigning responsibilities to the departments, departments, and sectors in the province to realize.

Striving in 2023, all districts, townships, cities, communes, wards, and towns are to issue programs, plans, projects, projects, and models for classifying, collecting, transporting, concentrating, treating, and recycling domestic waste living by the realistic area. Building sets of propaganda materials on the classification of domestic waste at source and teams of district, and commune level propagandists to propagate the classification of domestic waste at source to organizations, households, individuals, and communities. Planning of collection points, and domestic waste transfer stations operating on the ground, in which priority is given to the combination of hazardous waste and bulky domestic waste reception points for households and individuals to dispose of waste according to regulations.

By 2024, the system, network, and team for the collection and transportation of domestic waste from the district to the commune level will be completely renovated combined with the collection and transportation facilities, the means of transportation of domestic waste will be upgraded to meet the requirements of the regulations and ensure the collection and transportation of waste after segregation...

Up to 2025, 100% of the communes, wards, and towns in the provinces will carry out the segregation of domestic waste at source according to regulations; the percentage of domestic waste properly segregated will reach 50%; The percentage of domestic waste is collected and processed will reach at 99% in urban, and 95% in rural area, respectively.; the proportion of recycled domestic waste will reach over 70%.


Total funding for the implementation domestic waste segregating scheme active at the source of the province for the period 2023-2025 is expected to be about 50 billion VND (excluding funding for the construction of collection points, central transfer stations, and funding for the collection, transportation, and treatment of domestic waste), of which: Provincial level is expected to be about 02 billion VND, district level is expected to be about 48 billion VND.

The force of execution:

This Decision shall enter into force on July 04, 2023.

In particular, the main point followed Decision No.1734/QĐ-UBND

Source: A Chau Environment

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