Celebrate Women's Day and the 93rd anniversary of the Vietnam Women's Union (October 20, 1930 - October 20, 2023)

Wednesday, 18/10/2023, 18:44 GMT+7

On the 93rd anniversary of the Vietnam Women's Union (VWU) founding and the 20/10 Day of Women of Vietnam, A Chau Environment extends congratulations to all females in leadership, management, the environmental sector, entrepreneurs, clients, partners, and colleagues.

A Chau Environment wishes all Vietnamese women full of health, happiness, and glory... and hit the targets in life, family, and society!

Chúc mừng ngày phụ nữ Việt Nam 20/10

What is the value of October 20 as Vietnamese Women's Day?

In 1927, mass organizations created and attracted many women's layers, such as the Red Guild, the Red Farmers' Guild, social groups, vocational schools, and women-specific organizations.

The Communist Party of Indochina was founded on February 3, 1930, with the slogan "Gender Equality." The party recognized the importance of Vietnamese women in the revolution and aimed to release them as nationals and promote independence. They proposed women join extreme organizations to attract women to the revolution.

That is why, on October 20, 1930, the Anti-Imperialism Women's Union (now renamed the Vietnam Women's Union) was formally established. To mark this event, the Communist Party of Vietnam chose October 20 every year as a traditional day of commemoration and honor for Vietnamese women, to take the name of "Viet Nam Women's Day."

Women take part in environmental protection and build new countryside!

With more than 50% of the population, women effectively use, access, and manage everyday tasks directly related to the environment.

From the awareness of human life and health, over the years, environmental protection has become one of the core missions of VWU, cared for by the association levels, carried out with many ways to do good, creative and effective, practical models, contributing to improving the environment, enhancing the quality of life of members, women and the community.

Phụ nữ tham gia công tác bảo vệ môi trường, xây dựng nông thôn mới!

Vietnam Women's Union has continued its leadership by integrating environmental protection tasks into competition movements and strategies. The "Build a family with 05 criteria, 03 clean" campaign, launched in 2010, focuses on household cleanliness and contributes to the National Target Program for new rural construction from 2016 to 2020. This initiative aims to develop women's roles and strengthen VWU's role in environmental protection. The Central Board and Prime Minister direct the campaign's implementation.

The "No Plastic Waste" action has been vigorously implemented by VWU (since 2018) with a positive commitment determination to implement the "Say no to disposable plastic products" activities throughout the VWU system and members women throughout the country.

Vietnam Women's Union will continue actively contributing to Vietnam's environmental careers, innovate media activities, educate, promote environmental behavior change, and involve women in monitoring ecological policy and legislation implementation due to current environmental protection work requirements.


Source: https://hoilhpn.org.vn/tin-chi-tiet/-/chi-tiet/vai-tro-cua-hoi-lhpn-viet-nam-trong-cong-tac-bao-ve-moi-truong-41808-2.html

Yen Bai electronic portal: https://www.yenbai.gov.vn/noidung/tintuc/Pages/chi-tiet-tin-tuc.aspx?ItemID=30060&l=Tintrongtinh 

Originated and produced by: A Chau Environment

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