The Yen Bai Cement Factory is working to improve the environment!

Friday, 01/12/2023, 09:50 GMT+7

There is no dust in the green leaf, and there are no emissions in the smoke pipe… It’s a transformation in the Yen Bai Cement Factory that can be seen and felt, not just counted.

Nhà máy Xi măng Yên Bái nỗ lực cải thiện môi trường!

The control section regularly monitors the automated monitoring system’s environmental quota.

Yen Bai Cement Factory of Yen Bai Cement and Minerals Joint Stock Company has invested VND15 billion in dust filtering equipment and monitoring systems to reduce air pollution, in addition to investing in and enhancing production lines and procedures.

In 2018, the Yen Bai cement plant installed an automatic environmental monitoring system worth over VND 2 billion in order to continuously and automatically monitor the state and quality of air pollution measures throughout the entire production process, in accordance with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) Circular No. 24/2017 on technical regulations for environmental monitoring. 

The system is installed in emissions-generating spaces, including the furnace header, fireplace tail, and crusher, with environmental indicators like temperature, wind flow, dust, CO, Nox, and SO2 gas content. Since the introduction of an automated monitoring system, emissions into the environment have been strictly controlled, and timely measures have been taken to address and respond to incidents.

After two years of operation, the Factory immediately connected its automated monitoring system to the Northern Environmental Monitoring Centre (General Environment Agency) system in May 2020, delivering data to regulatory authorities for public, transparent monitoring. 

The Factory has constructed a vacuum cleaner system worth 12.5 billion VND to replace the electrostatic dust cleaner, aiming to improve the existing system and reduce environmental dust.

Mr. Nguyen Van Duc, Director of the Yen Bai Cement Factory, said that in the past, when using electrostatic dust filtering systems, sometimes there were problems such as power outages, the system would stop working, resulting in dust discharge into the environment, affecting the life of urban. However, since the installation of the dust filter bag system with more than 2,000 filter bags, each filter bag has a length of 7.5 meters. Regular operation requires no use of electricity, so no failure occurs during dust filtering. As a result, since the beginning of the year, the plant has received no reflection from the public on the environmental pollution status.”

This result is also due to the Factory always taking severe treatment measures, removal of dust smoke in the entire production process, placing the Factory additional dust cleaning equipment, regular maintenance of machinery equipment, and timely replacement of equipment does not guarantee the technical requirements and safety of work. 

Simultaneously, the Factory invested in trucks to add water to nearly 5 m3 of water in barrels, regularly irrigate roads and trees in the area four times a day, in addition to the plant, in order to reduce the amount of dust smoke for the people; while actively cultivating flowers, landscaped plants, and improving the Factory’s landscape, with the goal of building an eco-friendly factory.

According to the concluding report of the environmental observation analysis for the first quarter of 2020 in the areas of the Factory, the atmospheric environmental standards, especially the concentration of toxic gases: SO2 from 23.5 to 83.6 mcg/m3 (limit of 350 mcg/m3), NO2 from 18.1 to 68.1 mcg/m3, CO from 1680 to 4520 mcg/m3. (limits of 30,000 mcg/m3) in the regions are within and much below the permissible limits under QCVN 05: 2013/BTNMT, the National Technical Regulations on the Quality of Environmental Air. 

The improvement at the Yen Bai cement factory is expressed not only by figures but also by visuals that can be immediately witnessed, such as green trees in a beautiful green environment free of dust, smoke pipes, and smoke… It is the outcome of putting the production investment philosophy into action with environmental conservation and enhancement. 


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