Environmental News

Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh: Các khu dân cư thực hiện bố trí điểm tập kết chất thải rắn sinh hoạt phù hợp

Trong các khu dân cư nếu không được thu gom, xử lý phù hợp, các chất thải như pin, bóng đèn... sẽ phát tán các kim loại nặng như chì, kẽm, thủy ngân...gây ô nhiễm môi trường nghiêm trọng

Triển khai sâu rộng kế hoạch phân loại rác tại nguồn!

Thời gian qua, cùng với việc ban hành kế hoạch triển khai, các địa phương đồng loạt tổ chức tập huấn về phân loại chất thải rắn sinh hoạt tại nguồn.

Part 8 - Documents for EPR guidelines: preparing, declaring, and analyzing packaging products recycling results, waste management,... in Viet Nam

Appendix IX of Circular 02/2022/TT-BTNMT contains a collection of related forms and documentation that implement EPR laws, including responsibilities for recycling items, packaging, and waste disposal. 

Part 07 - EPR: Q&A is addressed by The EPR National Assembly regarding policy

Compilation of frequent questions about the EPR policy for manufacturers and importers, cited by A Chau Environment from the National EPR information portal.

Part 6 - EPR: Percentage - Standard - Regulations Recycling applicable to packaging products in Viet Nam effective from January 1, 2024

Mandatory recycling rate and recycling specifications - Regulations applicable to: Packaging groups: 10% - 22% (depending on type) Battery and rechargeable battery groups: 8% and 12% (depending on type) Lubricating oil group: 15% Tyre group: 5%

Thực trạng gia tăng rác thải điện tử toàn cầu!

Đến năm 2030, rác thải điện tử có thể đạt 82 triệu tấn, gây ra nhiều vấn đề về sức khỏe, môi trường và khí hậu.

Part 5: Outline of the Fs analysis formula - Producer donate to the Vietnam Eco-Protection Fund for Implementing EPR.

F = R x V x Fs, is the total amount of funds that producers must pay to the Vietnam Environmental Protection Fund for each type of product and packaging

Part 4: What are the EPR duties for disposable batteries?

Manufacturers and importers are required to implement Extended Producer Responsibility - EPR regulations for disposable batteries, which extend beyond battery production and include responsibility for managing battery waste post-use. 

Part 3 - EPR: Pesticide and Medicine Packaging Manufacturers have to handle in Vietnam

Decree 08/2022/ND-CP establishes restrictions for product lists, packaging, and contribution levels to promote waste treatment. This order requires producers (manufacturers and importers) to declare and make financial payments to the Vietnam ...

Part 1: What is EPR? And EPR Roadmap in Viet Nam?

Synonyms concepts such as Social Responsibility, Environmental Responsibility and Consumer Responsibility of manufacturers, and recently, another term mentioned is "Extended Producer Responsibility" (EPR). Although not new in the world, what is EPR, ...

Part 2 - EPR and Solutions: Forms of implementing Extended Producer Responsibility in Vietnam!

The form of implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility - EPR is stipulated in the Law on Environmental Protection No. 72/2020/QH14 (Vietnam), including responsibility for recycling products, packaging, collection and waste treatment in ...

Register at the Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2024 exhibition to collect and recycle various items like lubricants, batteries, and tyres.

482 Units from 23 Countries participated in the Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2024 Exhibition, held from June 20 to 22, 2024, at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC). Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2024 aims to connect the Vietnamese ...

Applying Lidar technology in air pollution monitoring

Lidar is an effective technique for finding and monitoring air pollution emission sources. By providing precise and thorough data, this technology assists managers in developing plans to minimise pollution emissions.

Earth Day, April 22: Against plastic!

The Global Earth Day theme is "Planet vs Plastic", setting a target of reducing plastic by 60% by 2040.

Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC): Responding to the National Week of Safe Water and Environmental Sanitation

The HCMC People's Committee has released a plan to celebrate the National Week of Safe Water and Environmental Sanitation in the region in 2024 by planning and executing events aimed at increasing community awareness of the significance of ...

Looking for ways to reduce plastic pollution

Worldwide, plastic pollution is a severe environmental issue. The participation of all people will be necessary to solve this situation. Every nation, at every level of growth, needs a tremendous deal of practical creativity and adaptability.

Steel and Cement Industries catch Green!

Steel and cement production are said to be significant carbon emitters. Facing the challenge of reducing emissions and aiming for a net zero emission target by 2050 requires enterprises to change and innovate from thinking to production lines.

Instructions for collecting pesticide packages after use

Under the Law, the collection and handling of pesticide packaging after use must follow the rules of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Law as well as hazardous waste management standards. The law's negative impact on environmental protection. ...