Part 6 - EPR: Percentage - Standard - Regulations Recycling applicable to packaging products in Viet Nam effective from January 1, 2024

Friday, 28/06/2024, 14:32 GMT+7

The Law on Environmental Protection in Vietnam mandates organisations and individuals to recycle packaging products manufactured and imported for the Vietnamese market at the required recycling rate and standard, as per Viet Nam regulations.

This article belongs to a series of articles sharing current legal regulations in implementing Extended Producer Responsibility - EPR as well as solutions under regulations in Vietnam, effective from January 1, 2024.

Recycling rates and criteria are mandatory for all packaging and product classes. (Photo: A Chau Environment.) Recycling rates and criteria are mandatory for all packaging products. (Photo: A Chau Environment.)

What is the required recycling rate?

The obligatory recycling rate is the percentage of products and packaging that must be recycled according to mandatory criteria compared to the total volume produced and imported annually. 

Mandatory recycling rates for each product and packaging will be applied from January 1, 2024. Accordingly, the compulsory recycling rate for the first 3 years in the packaging industry is divided into many types, such as carton paper packaging 20%, mixed paper packaging 15%, aluminium packaging 22%, iron packaging and other metals 20%,...) specified in Column 4, Appendix XXII of Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP.

For instance, sample A in 2024 will produce and market 100 tons of rigid PET packaging. According to regulations, the mandatory recycling rate for rigid PET packaging is 22%. In 2024, sample A is responsible for recycling a minimum of 22 tons of rigid PET packaging (= 100 tons x 22%).

What is the recycling standard?

Obligation recycling standards are chosen recycling solutions with minimum requirements for material and fuel recovery for product and packaging recycling, requiring two requirements to be satisfied. 

(1) Satisfies one of the permitted recycling options;

(2) Satisfy the minimum raw material recovery rate (40%). Compulsory recycling specifications for each product and packaging are specified in Column 5, Appendix XXII of Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP.

For example, sample A in 2024 produced and put on the market for 100 tons of retail packaging that is rigid PET packaging and is responsible for recycling 22 tons of rigid PET packaging (due to the mandatory recycling rate for packaging). Hard PET is 22%). To meet mandatory recycling specifications, sample A must:

i)    Implement prescribed recycling solutions, including recycling into recycled plastic pellets as raw materials for production or other products (including PE fibres) or chemicals (including lubricating oil);

ii)   Recycle and recover at least 40% of the material volume from 22 tons of recycled rigid PET packaging, which means a minimum of 8.8 tons of plastic or chemicals must be recovered (= 22 tons x 40%).

(Source: According to the National EPR Electronic Information Portal, "Summary of answers to frequently asked questions about Extended Producer Responsibility", see link:, accessed June 28, 2024)

List of packaging products that can be recycled, along with required recycling rates and specifications

Recycling rates and mandatory recycling specifications for products and packaging will begin to comply with the EPR policy from January 1, 2024. (Photo: A Chau Environment)Percentage - Standard - Regulations Recycling applicable to packaging products in Viet Nam, effective from January 1, 2024

Văn bản pháp lý

This article belongs to a series of articles that share current legal regulations for implementing the responsibilities of manufacturers and importers - EPR. If Clients need in-depth advice, please get in touch with our official channels via hotline 1900 545450 - 033 835 1122 or leave a request at

Source: A Chau Environment

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