Guidance on investigating premises owned by the subject of the Environmental Permit

Tuesday, 31/05/2022, 08:13 GMT+7

Environment licenses, environmental registration, and preliminary environmental impact assessments are new records created by the Law on Environmental Protection 2020. However, a project owner must choose the appropriate type of documents in an environmental protection mission in accordance with existing law, which aids in successful management. A Chau Environment Co. Ltd. summarizes all methods for assisting consumers in finding a suitable entity to do an environment permit. Join us!


tra cứu thực hiện giấy phép môi trường

1. Investing project groups I, II, and III throw water waste, dust, emissions, or hazardous waste out environment which ought to be based on waste management rules before official operation.

2. Projects, facilities, production areas, business and service zones, and industrial clusters worked before the Vietnamese government used the Law on Environment Protection as a specified object in Section 1.

3. Public Project groups I, II, and III throw water waste, dust, emissions, or hazardous waste out environment which ought to be based on waste management rules before official operation.

Pursuant to Article 39, Law on Environmental Protection 72/2020/QH14, regulations


tra cứu thực hiện giấy phép môi trường

Diagram: Guidance on researching the subjects of environmental patents

The enterprise determines which environmental dossier must be made, based on environmental criteria to classify investment projects according to Clause 1, Article 28 of the Law on Environmental Protection:

- Scale, capacity, type of production, business and services;

+ The scale needs to be based on the classification of the project according to the criteria of the law on public investment, marine resources, minerals, and water resources specified in the Law on Public Investment No. 39/2019/QH14, Appendix I, Decree No. 40/2020/ND-CP guiding the implementation of the Government's Law on Public Investment dated April 6, 2020; Identify public investment projects in Group A, Group B, Group C.

+ The capacity of the project with the risk of causing environmental pollution is divided into 03 types: large, medium, and small Appendix II of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP.

+ Types of production, business, and services that are likely to cause environmental pollution are specified in Appendix II of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP;

- Area of land use, land with water surface, sea area; scale of exploitation of natural resources specified in Clause 1, Article 25 of Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP.

- Environmentally sensitive factors specified in Clause 4, Article 25 of Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP.

- Based on Appendix I of Decree No. 40/2020/ND-CP guiding the implementation of the Law on Public Investment and Appendix II, III, IV, V of Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP to classify projects groups I, II, III

It is very important to determine which investment project belongs to which group, from the basis of the group to determine the object and authority to appraise the environmental dossier. If the project belongs to the group of Group I, Group II, and Group III investment projects that generate wastewater, dust, and gas discharged into the environment, which must be treated or generate hazardous waste, it must be managed according to regulations on waste management, when officially put into operation, subject to environmental permit implementation.


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Pursuant to the Law on Environmental Protection No. 72/2020/QH14 dated November 17, 2020, of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

Pursuant to the Law on Public Investment 39/2019/QH14 dated June 13, 2019, of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

Pursuant to Decree No. 40/2020/ND-CP dated April 6, 2020, guiding the implementation of the Government's Law on Public Investment;

Pursuant to Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP dated January 10, 2022 Decree detailing several articles of the Law on Environmental Protection.

A Chau Environment Company synthesizes instructions to support customers in looking up the subject of Environmental Permit implementation and invites you to consult and implement, not to replace current legal documents. In case you need in-depth advice for a specific case, please contact our official channels via hotline:
1900 545450 – 033 835 1122 or leave a request at

Source: A Chau Environment

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