Hazardous waste - Warning and prevention signs, according to TCVN 6707: 2009

Tuesday, 17/05/2022, 15:53 GMT+7

Hazardous waste contains toxic elements and is radioactive, infectious, flammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic, or hazardous, which, if not properly managed, can seriously impact human health, the environment, and society.

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A Chau Environment appreciates sharing brief guidelines and design files of the most common warning and preventive signs. Clients can quickly download and print for waste management at the facility. Hazardous Waste - Warning and Prevention Signs compiled under IAS 6707: 2009. 

Download the print file HERE.

Note: The file has been designed to meet the minimum requirements of Vietnam Standards with a minimum size of 30 cm per dimension.

Standard specifies the shape, size, colour and content of warning signs and precautions to be used in hazardous waste management to prevent the adverse effects of each hazardous waste on humans and the environment during the storage, collection, transportation and handling of hazardous waste. 

The latest update under the Law on Environmental Protection 2020, Circular No. 02/2022/TT-BTNMT dated 10/01/2022, stipulates that the storage area for the hazardous waste generation facility must be marked with warning signs, precautionary signs corresponding to the type of Hazardous Waste stored by the Vietnam Standards (TCVN) on warning sign relating to hazardous waste and having a minimum size of 30 cm per dimension.

Hazardous waste warning signs may be used separately for each warning meaning or in combination with warning meanings prescribed for each specific case by the competent management authority for hazardous waste management. Hazardous waste warning signs consist of a flat triangle, black border, yellow triangle background with black symbols and black letters (if any) used in combination therein as follows:

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Figure: Warning for waste containing acute toxins - Skulls with two crossbones. Meaning: It is very contaminated! 

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Figure: General warning sign on hazardous waste - Exclamation Mark. Meaning: Hazardous waste!

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Figure: Warning of Flammable Waste. Fire sign - Meaning: Flammability

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Figure: Warning about the most Explosive Hazardous Waste. The Bomb sign - Meaning: Explosiveness

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Figure: Warning about waste containing pathogen or source of germ bacteria. 03 Circles Biohazards - Meaning: Danger of Infection!

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Figure: Warning about waste containing toxic components to the Ecosystem. Trees without leaves, fish dead - Meaning: Toxic to the Ecosystem!

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Figure: Warning for oxidising waste. The Flame on the Circle - Meaning: Oxidize

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ẢFigure: Waste warning containing corrosive substances. Hands and a piece of metal caught by liquid from two test tubes - Erosion!

Here are some essential scopes of Hazardous Waste Management - Warning and Prevention Signs compiled by A Chau Environment, designed to help Clients manage hazardous waste in the best possible way and save time. It is not a valuable substitute for existing legal documents. Clients need in-depth advice for a specific case; don't hesitate to contact our official channels via our hotline at 1900 545450 - 033 835 1122 or leave a request at www.moitruongachau.com.

Source: A Chau Environment

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