Thua Thien Hue: Panels - Entrepreneurship with the Law on Environmental Protection

, 23/09/2023, 10:48 GMT+7

Promoting, disseminating, and implementing the Law on Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE); on September 22nd, the MONRE Communication, combined with the MONRE Department, organized the Forum "Entrepreneurship with Law on Environment Protection in the Central Region" in the province of Thua Thien Hue.

Bảo vệ môi trường

Stage view

The convention is intended to disseminate the core contents of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and guide readers, exchange, discuss, and respond to the contents involved in the enactment process.

The meeting was attended by more than 100 delegates from departments, departments, and sectors: the Natural Resources and Environment departments, enterprises, and economic organizations in Thua Thien Hue and provinces in the Central Region.

At the convention, Mr. Pham Minh Hieu, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environmental, MONRE, spoke, stated his reasons, and introduced delegates.

Luật bảo vệ môi trường

Mr. Pham Minh Hieu, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environmental, MONRE.

Speaking at the opening of the Forum, Mr. Cao Minh Tuan conveyed: "The Law on Environmental Protection 2020 was passed by the XIV General Assembly at its 10th session; it came into force on 01/01/2022 with many groundbreaking new content, fundamentally changing from existing regulations and is one of the laws that is closely relevant to a large number of actors in society including business organizations, enterprises, industrial parks, economic parks. For this reason, publicity, dissemination, and guidance to help organizations and enterprises implement the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 is an important work, the focus of which has been emphasized and promoted by the MONRE in the past time."

"Implementing the 2023 program of work of the MONRE, recently the Department of Resource & Environment entrusted the Centre for Resource Communication and the Environment in coordination with the Department for Resources & Environments of Thua Thien Hue Province to organize the Forum "Entrepreneurship with Law on Environmental Protection in the Central Region". "Today's forum is a place for authorities, organizations, and enterprises to learn more about the environment, share their experiences in the implementation process, contribute to operations, and build efficient, sustainable through the useful themes of the 2020 Law on Environmental Protection".

Luật bảo vệ môi trường

Mr. Cao Minh Tuan, Deputy Director, Resource and Environmental Communications Center, MONRE.

Mr. Dang Phuoc Binh, Deputy Director of Resources and Environment and Chief Minister of the Resources & Environment Division of Hue Province, also gave a welcome speech to the forum: "During the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection, which were some difficulties, obstacles, such as certain provisions and unclear guideline texts, the unspecified scope of application, which made it difficult in the process of implementation. The dissemination of law policies and the advancement of business knowledge for environmental managers at the ministerial, sectoral, and local levels is a key, necessary, and lasting task. Through the forum, I hope all delegates actively exchange, discuss unclear, still troubled content to share, and unmount together to ensure the effective implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection".

Luật bảo vệ môi trường

Mr. Dang Phuoc Binh, Deputy Director of the MONRE Department of Thua Thien Hue Province

At the convention, Mr. Nguyen Hoai Đuc, an expert from the MONRE, presented the theme: "The Law on Environmental Protection 2020 provisions on EIA". The contents include implementation guidelines, new points on environmental impact assessment, investor responsibilities after approval, new points on community roles and consultation, and the structure and contents of the report.

Mr. Pham Hong Son, an Expert from the Pollution Control Department, also presented themes: "Popularization of new provisions in the Law on Environmental Protection" and "Responsibility of enterprises in waste management and environmental monitoring".

Luật bảo vệ môi trường

Mr. Pham Hong Son, an Expert from the Pollution Control Department

A representative of A Chau Environmental Co., Ltd also shared an article on "Closed-loop Solutions". 
"Low-value waste is no longer reusable - recyclable will be co-processing and energy recovery, which is the solution to maximize the value from debris of the lowest value in the sustainable waste management chain. Co-processing waste in cement furnaces is one of the optimal solutions for the non-burial waste problem with a low recyclable value.

Đồng xử lý chất thải

A representative of the A Chau Environmental Co., Ltd shared.

In the framework of the forum, business representatives reviewed, exchanged, discussed, and responded to issues and issues arising during the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020. Through the platform, we have helped departments and industries in the Central region to grasp the current regulations promptly and implement new legislative texts in the Law on Environmental Protection field, contributing to the development of production, economic growth, and social security while ensuring the proper implementation of the regulations.

Luật bảo vệ môi trường

Forum documentation : Tại đây!

Source: A Chau Environment

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