Quang Ngai province: Innovating technology to greenen the textile and footwear industry

Wednesday, 26/07/2023, 15:14 GMT+7

In order to greenen the textile and footwear industry, the People's Committee of Quang Ngai province will continue to support textile and footwear enterprises to invest in technological innovation, improve technology, promote the application of new production technology.

In Plan No. 102/KH-UBND dated May 9, 2023 on the implementation of the Vietnam Textile and Garment and Footwear Industry Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2035 in the province. The People's Committee of Quang Ngai province determined: Continue to promote the development of the textile and footwear industry as one of the key industries in production and export of the province, with an average growth rate of industrial production value and export turnover equal to or higher than the whole country.

Công nghệ xanh hóa ngành Dệt may và Da giày (A Châu Environment)Image: Green Tech in Texitle Industry

In order to successfully realize the goal of sustainable development, greening the textile and footwear industry, the Provincial People's Committee will also continue to support textile and footwear enterprises to invest in technological innovation, improve technology, promote the application of new production technology, environmentally friendly technology, energy saving; research on creating new technologies; design and manufacture new technological equipment to replace imported equipment... according to the policy to support enterprises to innovate technology in Quang Ngai province specified in Resolution No. 25/2021/NQ-HDND dated October 15, 10 of the People's Council of Quang Ngai province stipulating a number of policies to support technology transfer, innovation, development of science and technology market in the province; Quang Ngai province promotion program for the period of 2021-2025.

On the other hand, the province continues to promote the application of technology of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (3D printing, new materials, automation, robotics, digitization ...), strengthen digital transformation in production and trade promotion in the field of Textile and Footwear; organize training courses, seminars, seminars on digital transformation in production and trade promotion in the textile and footwear sector, and promote textile and footwear enterprises in the province to approach, implement greening in production and achieve certificates of environmental protection, on green growth, sustainable growth, in line with international standards and standards of target markets.

The Provincial People's Committee will assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate in organizing training courses, disseminating information and improving capacity on management and control of environmental issues at enterprises (chemical control, energy consumption, water consumption...); Research and develop policies to support traceability, transparent value chain... conform to international standards; increase cleaner production with the ability to circulate, collect, reuse waste, or improve products to comply with the provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection.

Source: quanly.moitruongvadothi.vn

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