Reducing waste brings benefits

Monday, 03/06/2024, 09:04 GMT+7

When a human is the main dot that generates waste, It should be a routine to drop waste figures. Not doing so can not only lead to legal trouble but can also have a negative impact on the health of the environment.

Waste reduction

Reducing waste is the use of ecological source reduction or recycling methods before energy recovery, treatment or disposal of waste.

The two most common ways to reduce waste are source reduction and recycling. Cut down or eliminate waste generation at the source.

Some pieces of evidence:

Use durable waste treatment products.

Replace certain materials to reduce toxicity.

Improved operating method.

Recycling is the reuse or recovery of process materials created as by-products that can be further processed onsite or sent offsite to recover value.

Some norms of recycling are:

Treat waste to recover or regenerate usable products. For example, ARK Vietnam uses sludge dewatering technologies such as centrifuges and filter presses to reduce the volume of liquid/solid mixtures by up to 80%.

Use/reuse waste as an alternative to commercial products.

Use/reuse of waste in a process to create a product.

Does the Law require Waste Reduction?

The Law on Environmental Protection (Law No. 72/2020/QH14) requires facilities that generate or manage hazardous waste to have a waste reduction program to protect the environment.

Law No.: 72/2020/QH14. In 2020, the National Assembly passed the Law on Environmental Protection. This Law regulates environmental protection activities, as well as the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of agencies, organisations, communities, households, and individuals in environmental protection activities. The 4 main programs are:

Domestic waste
Hazardous waste
Medical Waste
Underground storage bunker

What kind of hazardous waste?

When humans generate waste, the responsibility is to manage the type of waste or use practical characteristics and knowledge of the waste to determine it. Such as ARK Vietnam, which can examine waste and offer effective solutions to treat it.

What are the benefits of Waste Reduction?

Reducing waste not only protects the environment but also makes good economic and business sense. With sufficient waste reduction, Enterprises can avoid violating the requirements of 72/2020/QH14 on the Law on Environmental Protection.

Decreasing waste can increase:

  • Profit
  • Environmental performance
  • Production efficiency
  • Good corporate image
  • Product Quality

Simultaneously, it can help reduce:

  • Quantity and toxicity level of domestic and hazardous waste generated
  • Comply with regulations on waste treatment
  • Environmental responsibility
  • Cost of purchasing materials for waste treatment
  • Waste management costs
  • Accidents in the workplace and exposure to workers

Source:, "What is waste reduction? What benefits does it bring", Posted on April 7, 2022, see link::, accessed June 3, 2024

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