Vicem intends to construct a high-tech cement factory for green development!

Tuesday, 23/01/2024, 13:50 GMT+7

Parallel to the digital research effort to construct a Smart Cement Factory, it is part of the Vicem 4.0 digital enterprise initiative, which is constantly evolving to exhibit a high degree of social responsibility. The Association strives for Green and Sustainable Development.

Vicem hướng tới xây dựng nhà máy xi măng thông minh vì mục tiêu phát triển xanh!

Vicem always upholds the mission of continuous improvement while demonstrating a high level of responsibility to society.

Success beyond expectations

Looking at the data on production, consumption, revenue growth, and profitability, 2018 was a year of exceeding expectations for this state-owned cement manufacturer.

Clinker's output reached 10.425 million tons for the first time, exceeding the design capacity of 1.5 million tons, whereas the planned capacity was only 18.9 million tons. Cement output reached 24.7 million tons, an 11.5% increase over the same time. Net sales exceeded 35,201 billion VND, while profit was 2,799 billion VND, representing 105% of the year's target and 94.5% over the same time.

Mr Bui Hong Minh, General Director of Vicem, told Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper that in 2019, Vicem intends to grow cement consumption by 6-8% and income by 12-14%. To reach this aim, Vicem 2019's solution focuses on optimising technology lines and resolving technology bottlenecks in order to boost performance and save expenses.

"In 2019, Vicem implemented a restructuring project, innovating the growth model to increase quality, improving corporate governance efficiency, and developing a set of criteria for effective control." Each enterprise's activities are linked to the plan's "Sustainable Development and Green production," stated Mr. Minh.

Application of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Sharing at the recent seminar "Introduction to Digital Applications in Grinding and Bagging Technology and Environmentally Friendly Solutions for the Cement Industry",

Mr Bui Hong Minh said: In recent times, in parallel with Digitalization research to build a Smart Cement Factory, is part of the Vicem 4.0 digital enterprise project, constituting the digitalisation strategy and application of the 4.0 industrial revolution including:

  • Smart factory;
  • Smart administration;
  • Electronic office;
  • Manage intelligent distribution and sales systems.

Along with that, Vicem has also focused on researching and applying many advanced technology solutions to reduce energy consumption and improve and enhance product quality.

Improving the cement grinding process to reduce electricity consumption; Investing in a system to use excess heat to generate electricity; using waste as an alternative fuel to meet nearly 50% of production electricity needs; renovating and investing in new automatic bagging systems; and redeploying workers to other jobs to reduce heavy labour and protect workers' health.

Vicem with a strategy of sustainable development and green production

For the first time, establishing a record of 29 million tons of product consumption in 2018, several plants are running above capacity, but in 2019, the producer has the greatest cement market share in Vietnam - Cong Corporation. Vietnam's cement industry (Vicem) maintains that growth goals are inextricably linked to a strategy of sustainable development and green production, which is coupled with environmental conservation.

Throughout its development process, Vicem maintains the purpose of continual improvement while displaying a high degree of responsibility to society in pursuit of green and sustainable development.

Furthermore, home garbage is a major issue in Vietnam's major cities, including Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh. Waste from industrial production also contributes significantly to pollution, although the adoption of alternative fuels for waste combustion in the cement rotary kiln system remains limited.

As a result, researching and investing in a synchronous waste treatment system (appropriate for waste sources in Vietnam) to burn as an alternative fuel in cement rotary kilns is an unavoidable requirement, demonstrating Vicem's high level of environmental responsibility to the community and society.

Aiming for eco-friendly solutions and sustainable development is extremely important for Vicem and Vietnam in this day and age.


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