The 15th National Assembly formally enacted the Law on Water Resources 2023 on July 1, 2024. Vietnam's water resources are considered "too much, too short, and too dirty", prompting a significant step forward in mindset, strategy, and change in ...
Other solid domestic waste under the latest regulations include hazardous waste, bulky waste, and other remaining waste. A Chau Environment invites you to refer to sort, storage, and some cyclical solutions to minimize the amount of dumped waste.
Segregation of solid domestic waste promotes enhanced reuse, waste recycling, disposal, maximizing value, and prolonging the circulation of the product. Based on Dispatch No. 9368/BTNMT-KSONMT of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment ...
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) issued Dispatch No. 9368/BTNMT-KSONMT on the Technical Guidelines on the Classification of Solid Waste on November 2, 2023, emphasizing the promotion of enhanced classification of waste that ...
A Chau Environment recounts the setting, formation, and milestones of the Environmental Protection Law from 1993 to the present on the occasion of Vietnam Law Day, November 9!
On November 02, 2023, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) signed the Technical Guidelines on the Segregation of Solid Domestic Waste in Dispatch No. 9368/BTNMT-KSONMT, implementing article 5 of article 79 of the Law on ...
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued Technical Instructions on Segregation of Solid Domestic Waste on November 2, 2023, in response to Clause 5, Article 79 of the Law on Environmental Protection No. 72/2020/QH14, aiming to ...
On July 04, 2023, Binh Duong Provincial Committee enacted Decision No. 1734/QD-UBND on the Segregating Plan for Domestic Waste at source in Binh Duong Province over the period 2023-2025.
Thai Nguyen Provincial Committee issued Decision No. 05/2023/QĐ-UBND Regulation of collection, transport, and treatment of solid medical waste in Thai Nguyen Province.
The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment has promulgated Decision No.252/QĐ-BTNMT establishing the National EPR Council. This is a cross-sectoral cooperative organization assisting the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment in ...
The President of the National Assembly promulgated Resolution No. 25/2021/QH15 approving the investment policy for the national target program on new-countryside building for the 2021 – 2025 period. This Resolution is passed by 15th National ...
Environment licenses, environmental registration, and preliminary environmental impact assessments are new records created by the Law on Environmental Protection 2020. However, a project owner must choose the appropriate type of documents in an ...
Environmental Registration - a new type of environmental profile was in effect from 01/01/2022. A Chau Environment would like to give you an overview of the issues surrounding the environmental registration dossier, including the main ...
A Chau Environment summarised the guidelines and design files of the most common warning and prevention signs. Visitors can quickly download and print the service in the waste management operation at the facility. Hazardous wastes - Warning and ...
The latest update in 2022, A Chau Environment would like to introduce the form and content of periodic environmental protection report of the production, business and service establishment owners and update some new points. Please refer to it!
Latest update in 2022: A Chau Environment would like to summarize the general environmental regulations - records - procedures, and prepare to assist customers in implementing "Right - Enough" environmental management 2022 in the simplest and most ...
Environmental license means a document issued by a competent authority to an organization or individual involved in manufacturing, business and service activities, permitting such organization or individual to discharge waste into the environment ...
According to the latest update in 2022, pursuant to Law on Environmental Protection 72/2020/QH14, Environmental impact assessment means the process of analyzing, assessing, identifying and predicting environmental impacts of an investment project in ...